
Monday, April 22, 2013

ch 10

Field research may allow you to think in a more open minded or narrow minded on you topic. It could open it up to a new idea that hasn’t been address yet. It gives different ideas through the forms of interviews, observations, surveys or correspondences.  Just make sure that you take proper notes and don’t forget to give the credit to the writers or others involved.
Interviews may be helpful to take your research to another level.  The information you receive from the interview is now firsthand. Which in some cases may be more reliable than other forms of information.  You have better chances of getting needed info on your issue when being able to have a face to face conversation.
If you decide to take the route of an interview you should make sure you are prepaird. You need to have a plan for the interview. For example have a list of questions ready and wrote out.  If you want a better understanding of a topic interview a professional in that particular field. If you need a more broad perspective then consider conducting a group interview or survey.
When approaching the person to interview, let them know what it is that your writing about and make sure to leave you name, number, and don’t forget to let them know its for a research paper.

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