
Monday, April 22, 2013

chaper 11

Look at the original position statement and ask yourself, has it changed. More specifically has the choice of topic been changed to form a different idea or argument? Maybe you have four some more elaborate ideas and chose to pursue your interest on that one very specific topic with in your findings.
You could always look back at your notes and reflect that way. Say to yourself do I still view my purpose as what it was before I found all this other information on my topic? All of your findings may have made you pursue another area of the issue, and that’s fine. sometimes we find out that our positions statement changes as we discover other sides of the topic. It may now just be more narrowed down from a more general topic.
Maybe your role as the write will change. Maybe it goes from an informative to a persuasive. Now that’s what I call narrowing your topic down if you choose to do a topic such as colors, maybe narrowing it down to a specific one you like or even one that you dislike. You could even go as far as comparing the two and in the end will discover that you prefer the colors mixed…  

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