Mariani Mansor, et al. "Relationship Between Parenting Style And Children's Behavior Problems." Asian Social Science 7.12 (2011): 195-200. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
This essay reflects upon the current cultural skirmishes over the
parenting practices of Americans, which have pitted 'Helicopter Parents' against 'Free-Range Kids'; 'Tiger Mothers' against 'Panda Dads;' and at-risk communities 'Waiting for Superman' against privileged students in the 'Race to Nowhere.' Despite the exaggerated claims of difference in these and other popular representations of the
parenting wars, a common theme of building children's self-esteem is evident as a cornerstone of contemporary American
parenting practices. Through different means, the relatively privileged parents who write child-rearing memoirs (or confessionals) pursue a similar end: to build and enhance their children's self-concept and emotional competence. In particular, professional-class parents who are anxious about their own prospects for continued success in a risky economy turn toward emotional capital as a necessary supplement to educational and extra-curricular success to ensure inter-generational transmission of advantage. The goals of emotional competence and self-esteem replicate the mechanisms of control to which elite parents are subjected in professional careers and therefore represent an important form of cultural capital in the reproduction of class advantages
Rutherford, Markella. "The Social Value Of Self-Esteem." Society 48.5 (2011): 407-412. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Accounting for both bidirectional and interactive effects between
parenting and child temperament can fine-tune theoretical models of the role of
parenting and temperament in children's development of adjustment problems. Evidence for bidirectional and interactive effects between
parenting and children's characteristics of frustration, fear, self-regulation, and impulsivity was reviewed, and an overall model of children's individual differences in response to
parenting is proposed. In general, children high in frustration, impulsivity and low in effortful control are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of negative
parenting, while in turn, many negative
parenting behaviors predict increases in these characteristics. Frustration, fearfulness, and effortful control also appear to elicit
parenting behaviors that can predict increases in these characteristics. Irritability renders children more susceptible to negative
parenting behaviors. Fearfulness operates in a very complex manner, sometimes increasing children's responses to
parenting behaviors and sometimes mitigating them and apparently operating differently across gender. Important directions for future research include the use of study designs and analytic approaches that account for the direction of effects and for developmental changes in
parenting and temperament over time
Kiff, Cara, Liliana Lengua, and Maureen Zalewski. "Nature And Nurturing: Parenting In The Context Of Child Temperament." Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review 14.3 (2011): 251-301. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
This article offers evidence from researchers who have studied what motivates children to behave and what incites them to act out. It notes parenting strategies that have been proven to be ineffective, such as yelling and harsh punishments, and explains how best to use positive reinforcements to encourage desired behavior.
Shute, Nancy. "Good Parents, Bad Results." U.S. News & World Report 144.18 (2008): 59-64. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Regulatory focus theory (RFT; Higgins, 1997 ) predicts that individual differences in the strength of promotion (ideal) and prevention (ought) orientations emerge from patterns of parent/child interactions that emphasize making good things happen versus keeping
bad things from happening. This article examines the development of individual differences in the strength of children's promotion and prevention goals and presents selected findings from three studies exploring the origins of regulatory focus. We found a three-factor structure for
parenting behaviors that differentiated between the presence/absence of positive outcomes versus the presence/absence of negative outcomes in two different data sets and validated that factor structure by examining its associations with maternal temperament. In turn, the
parenting factors predicted individual differences in children's orientations to ideal and ought guides, and those associations were moderated by individual differences in child temperament
Marilyn J. Essex, et al. "The Development Of Children's Ideal And Ought Self-Guides: Parenting, Temperament, And Individual Differences In Guide Strength." Journal Of Personality 74.6 (2006): 1619-1646. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
The article critically analyzes the context of published childcare and parenting advice about terrorism in the U.S. Such advices can be accessed through books, magazines and Internet Web sites. Terrorism-related advice merits examination for several reasons. First, terrorism is a major concern in today’s world. While the terrorist attacks in America on September 11, 2001 increased its prominence, families in a large number of countries around the world are now exposed to terrorism, either through personal experience or through the media. Second, the trauma and stress brought about by terrorism can lead parents to feel overwhelmed by their diminished ability to protect their child from harm.
Dolev, R., and M. S. Zeedyk. "How To Be A Good Parent In Bad Times: Constructing Parenting Advice About Terrorism." Child: Care, Health & Development 32.4 (2006): 467-476. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
This research differentiates shame and guilt as distinct emotional reactions that parents in the United States can have for their children's misdeeds. In Study 1, when 93 parents wrote about their child's worst transgression, their ratings of perceived public exposure and threat to their self-image predicted shame, whereas the degree to which they felt a lack of control over their child and believed the act harmed others predicted guilt. In Study 2, when 123 mothers rated their reactions to an imagined wrongdoing, the presence of a critical observer tended to elevate shame but not guilt. Across both studies, guilt predicted adaptive
parenting responses, whereas, shame predicted maladaptive responses. The discussion emphasizes the implications that self-conscious emotions have for family dynamics.
SCARNIER, MARCHELLE, TONI SCHMADER, and BRIAN LICKEL. "Parental Shame And Guilt: Distinguishing Emotional Responses To A Child's Wrongdoings." Personal Relationships 16.2 (2009): 205-220. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Two studies examined whether the ways in which college teachers interact with their students in the classroom can be categorized in the same ways that developmental psychologists have typically categorized parents' interactions with their children. In Study 1 (n = 191) and Study 2 (n = 588), university students described the instructor for a class in which they were currently enrolled using a modified version of the 30-item Parental Authority Questionnaire (Buff, 1991). Across both studies, students who expected better grades rated instructors as more authoritative and less authoritarian. Students who described instructors as higher on the authoritarian
style reported low levels of interest in the course and rated the instructor unfavorably. The authoritative teaching
style was associated with setting high academic standards, greater student interest, and more favorable student evaluations of instructors
Courtney L. Collins, et al. "Permissive, Authoritarian, And Authoritative Instructors: Applying The Concept Of Parenting Styles To The College Classroom." Individual Differences Research 11.1 (2013): 1-11. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
parenting residential units provide a child and family health support and education service for parents experiencing
parenting difficulties. An ongoing concern of nursing staff and management is whether the
parenting knowledge and skills gained are translated into sustainable
parenting practices after discharge. This paper explores the response to a post discharge telephone interview about parents' experience of nursing care during their residential stay and their
parenting experience since discharge. A descriptive qualitative approach identified four themes in the parents' responses: greater confidence, greater knowledge about their babies, changing
expectations of
parenting and their infants, and sustainability of
parenting skills
Jane Kookarkin, et al. "Parent Satisfaction With Early Parenting Residential Services: A Telephone Interview Study." Contemporary Nurse: A Journal For The Australian Nursing Profession 43.1 (2012): 64-72. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Among factors predicting adolescent mood problems, certain aspects of the parent-adolescent relationship play an important role. In previous studies, children whose parents had an authoritative
style of
parenting reported the best behavioral and psychological outcomes. Therefore, the main goal of this paper was to investigate the role of authoritative
parenting style and other family variables (negative family interactions and positive identification with parents) in adolescents' depressive symptomatology. The study was carried out in all primary and secondary schools in Mako and the surrounding region in Hungary in the spring of 2010, students of grades 7-12 ( N = 2,072): 49.2% of the sample were males; 38.1% primary school pupils; and 61.9% high school students. Self-administered questionnaires contained items of measuring depressive symptoms (CDI) and parental variables beyond sociodemographics. Beyond descriptive statistics and calculation of correlation coefficients, multiple linear regression analyses were applied to detect relationships between parental variables and depressive scores by gender. Overall, our data support a negative association between authoritative
parenting style and adolescent mood problems, particularly among girls. Among boys, only mother's responsiveness was a significant predictor. Among girls, father's
parenting played a decisive role; not only his responsiveness but also demandingness. Interestingly, mother's demandingness went together with an elevated depressive score for girls. Prevention programs cannot guarantee success without taking into account the role of parents. Teaching positive
parenting seems to be a part of these prevention programs that may include facilitating intimate yet autonomous relationships
Works Cited
Piko, B., and M. Balázs. "Control Or Involvement? Relationship Between Authoritative Parenting Style And Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology." European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 21.3 (2012): 149-155. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the
parenting styles and life satisfaction predict delinquent behaviors frequently or not. Firstly the data were collected from 471 girls and 410 boys, a total of 881 high school students. Then the research was carried out with 502 students showing low (n=262, 52.2%) and high level of delinquent behaviors (n=240, 47.8%). The data were collected by means of "Delinquency Scale", "The
Parenting Style Inventory" and "Multidimensional Student' Life Satisfaction Scale". The data were analyzed using Logistic Regression statistical method. The results of Logistic Regression Analysis show that the variables of "strictness/supervision" perceived from family and satisfaction perceived from "school", "family" and "self" have had meaningful contributions to indicating frequent delinquent behaviors. The results are discussed related to previous research, and study limitations and further research directions are also outlined.
Önder, Fulya Cenkseven, and Yasin Yilmaz. "The Role Of Life Satisfaction And Parenting Styles In Predicting Delinquent Behaviors Among High School Students." Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 12.3 (2012): 1744-1748. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Parents of adolescents from Auckland, New Zealand, attended a seminar series on
raising teenagers and completed pre- and post-intervention assessments of
parenting and family relationships in order to examine the effects of participation on family functioning and positive youth development (PYD). Adolescents completed measures of family relationships and PYD. In addition, some parents and their teenagers participated in post-intervention focus groups. The results suggest that brief
parenting interventions may produce favourable outcomes for families with adolescent children, including the promotion of important aspects of PYD
Matthew Sanders, et al. "Promoting Positive Youth Development." Youth Studies Australia 32.1 (2013): 29-36. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
The paper reviewed empirical studies on children's school achievements. The contributions of
parenting attitude and
style were examined in relation to children's school achievement. A strong relationship between children's school achievement and
parenting attitude and
style was reported in the paper. Findings from the review revealed that authoritative
parenting styles were associated with higher levels of children's school achievement, though findings remain inconsistent across cultures and societies. Future studies may explore some of the salient issues underlying the inconsistencies reported in the study, particularly the contradictory results between Asian and European American school children.[
Kordi, Abdorreza, and Rozumah Baharudin. "Parenting Attitude And Style And Its Effect On Children's School Achievements." International Journal Of Psychological Studies 2.2 (2010): 217-222. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Cognitive behavioral theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have hypothesized a central role of social learning in the development of OCD. Research indicates that learning via key developmental relationships, such as parent-child interactions, may account for the emergence and maintenance of OC symptoms in adulthood. Baumrind identified three parental authority prototypes or
styles, including permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian, that differ on the two dimensions of nurture and behavioral control. Permissive parents allow their children to do as they wish with little discipline, whereas authoritative parents implement reasonable guidelines while still providing a warm and nurturing environment. The third
style, authoritarian, represents
parenting that is rigid and
values strict adherence to rules with lower levels of nurturing. To date, there has been no study examining these
parenting styles and OCD symptomatology. The current investigation examined the relationships between
parenting styles, obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms, and OC-related dysfunctional beliefs (i.e.,"obsessive beliefs") in a nonclinical sample (N= 227). Participants completed measures of these constructs, as well as a measure of general mood and anxiety symptoms. Results indicated that the authoritarian
parenting style was significantly associated with both OC symptoms and OC beliefs (e.g., beliefs about the importance of thoughts and personal responsibility), even after controlling for general distress. Analyses also revealed that OC beliefs act as a partial mediator of the relationship between
parenting style and OC symptoms. Findings are discussed in light of the implications for future research, particularly that pertaining to risk for OCD and the development of vulnerability factors
Jonathan Abramowitz, et al. "Parenting And Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms: Implications Of Authoritarian Parenting." Journal Of Cognitive Psychotherapy 24.3 (2010): 151-164. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
The article discusses the development of effective parenting plans for children following a parental separation or divorce. It states that parenting situations which involve two actively participating parents, whether they are living together or apart, have a more positive impact on a child's development. The drafting of parenting agreements reportedly varies because a child under the age of three requires a different quality of parental care than an older child.
ROBB, AARON. "Zero To Three: Parenting Issues And Parenting Plans For Young Children." American Journal Of Family Law 26.1 (2012): 15-22. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.